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Share your climate impact

Making a positive impact on the climate is something worth celebrating! At Lune, we want to make it as easy as possible to share your climate accomplishments. Sustainability Pages allow you to showcase your own and your customers' contributions to climate action.View a sample Sustainability Page.


Complete the following setup steps before using this guide:
Generate an API key and authenticate your account.
Set up Client Accounts to track emissions for your individual customers.
Review how carbon credits are ordered and allocated.

Create a sustainability page

Sustainability Pages update in real time as your impact grows. They are fully customisable to match your and your customers' needs.You can customise:
  • URL: Choose the unique slug for your page.
  • Title: Highlight emissions offset by price or by volume of tCO₂ removed.
  • Description: Select from:
    • No description.
    • A custom description.
    • A summary of supported UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • A comparison to an equivalent impact (for example, flights avoided).
  • Sections: Choose which data to display:
    • Project Bundles breakdown: The selected carbon projects and their percentage breakdown.
    • Carbon Credit Certificates: Proof that purchased credits have been retired.
    • UN Sustainable Development Goals: The SDGs supported by the projects.
By default, Sustainability Pages include all sections, use an equivalency description, and highlight statistics by volume in tCO₂.
Your sustainability page
A Sustainability Page is automatically generated with default settings after your first carbon credit order. You can customise it in the Lune dashboard:
  1. Log into the Lune Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Go-to-Market Resources > Share Your Impact.
  3. Customise your page and click Save.
If you do not wish to share your impact, you can disable the page in the top right corner.
For your customers
Customer Sustainability Pages must be created and managed via the API. This requires a single API call to the /sustainability-pages endpoint.
  • Include the Authorization header with your API Key as a Bearer Token. To associate the emission calculation with a specific client account, add either a Lune-Account header or a client account object to your request.
  • The required properties in the request are:
    The unique identifier for the public page URL.
    Choose to display the title by volume (by_volume) or by price (by_price).
    Sample request
    The following request creates a Sustainability Page at is titled by volume, includes a description comparing offsets to equivalent flights, and enables all optional sections.
  • Create a sustainability page