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Carbon credits via API

You can offset CO₂e emissions for a shipment using one of three methods:
  1. By mass: Specify the amount of CO₂ you want to offset, in grams, kilograms, or tonnes.
  2. By value: Indicate the monetary amount you want to spend on purchasing carbon offsets.
  3. By estimate: Use the estimate ID from a previous emissions calculation to purchase carbon credits matching the estimated emissions.


Complete the following setup steps before using this guide:
Generate an API key and authenticate your account.
Set up Client Accounts to offset emissions for your individual customers.
Review how to allocate project bundles for your customers.
If you want to preview the cost or breakdown of a purchase without making an actual order, use the /quote endpoints for mass or value. See the Mass Quote Reference and Value Quote Reference for more details.

1. Make the request

  • Remember to add the Authorization header with your API Key as Bearer Token, as well as a Lune Account header with the client account that this emission is being calculated for.
  • By mass
    To offset emissions based on mass, specify the total amount of CO₂ to offset in grams, kilograms, or tonnes. Use the /orders/by-mass endpoint. Send a POST request to this endpoint to make the order.
    Sample request
  • CURL request for orders by mass
  • The example above purchases offsets for 259.11 kilograms of CO₂.For an advanced customisation of the bundles, add the percentage of the mass that should be distributed between the bundles, as shown below:
  • CURL request for orders by mass
  • Percentages must sum up to 100%.
    By value
    To offset emissions based on monetary value, specify the amount to spend on carbon credits in the request. Use the /orders/by-value endpoint. Send a POST request to this endpoint to make the order.
    Sample request
  • CURL request for orders by value
  • The request above purchased $100 USD of carbon offsets. Your account's currency is used to place the order.
    By estimate
    To purchase carbon credits using a previously calculated estimate, use the /orders/by-estimate endpoint. Send a POST request to this endpoint to make the order.You'll need the estimate_id provided in the emissions calculation response. If you don’t have it saved, find it in the Lune Dashboard under the emissions calculation details.
    Sample request
  • CURL request for orders by estimate
  • 2. Interpret the results

    The response includes details about the order, such as:
    • Order ID: Unique identifier for the purchase.
    • Status: Current order status, which can be:
      • Received: Order has been received by Lune, but has not been processed.
      • Placed: Order has been placed.
      • Paid: Order has been paid.
      • Retiring: Order has credits partially allocated or retired.
      • Complete: Order has been fully retired. The order's certificate includes all retired credits.
      • Cancelled: Order has been cancelled by Lune.
      • Failed: Order failed to process.
    • Cost and currency: Cost breakdown of the order.
    • Bundles: Allocation details for project bundles.
    Sample response
  • Response for order request
  • Troubleshooting

    For further assistance, contact our support team.