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Calculate emissions

Need to calculate emission estimates or embed these calculations into your application? This section provides all the guidance you need to calculate emissions for your business and customers efficiently.
Learn how to calculate emissions for various modes of shipment transport, including road, sea, and air. This topic provides step-by-step guidance tailored to the complexities of logistics.
Spend management-icon
Spend management
Discover how to calculate emissions associated with card transactions, invoices, and receipts. This topic offers clear guidance to help you track, and estimate emissions tied to business spending.


Lune supports many transport methods. Get started with the multi-leg shipment guide, and then explore the individual methods to ensure your emission calculations are as precise as possible.
Multi-leg shipments
Sea shipments
Road shipments
Air shipments
Emissions visibility widget
Calculate emissions for shipments using a CSV.
Migrate from EcoTransIT.

Spend management

Use the guide to calculate emissions for all your customers transactions.