Get started with Lune
Discover how to make your offerings climate positive with Lune. Grow revenue by embedding emission calculations and high quality carbon offset projects into your offering. Explore how to calculate emissions, track and report emissions, and offset emissions below.
Calculate emissions
This section provides all the guidance you need to calculate emissions for your business and customers efficiently.
Track and report emissions
Learn how to track and report the total emissions for you and your customers in this section.
Offset emissions
In this section, you'll learn how to offset emissions through carbon credit orders.Calculate emissions
Use our API or upload CSV files to calculate the CO₂e emissions of your customers' activities.
Calculate emissions for shipments by road, sea, air, and more.

Calculate emissions for card transactions, invoices, and more.
Track and report emissions
Share emission analytics with your customers, simplifying their reporting processes.
Learn how to navigate the Lune dashboard.

Share your climate impact with Sustainability pages.

Track and report emissions activity for shipments.

Track and report emissions activity for business spending.
Offset emissions
Purchase carbon credits via our API or dashboard to offset emissions and support climate-positive projects.
Purchase carbon credits via API.

Purchase carbon credits via dashboard.

Embed Lune Pay to simplify payment.
General concepts
Check out our guides on CO₂e, carbon credits, and more to become an expert in using Lune for climate compliance.
Learn about Lune accounts.

Review CO₂e and other concepts underlying emissions calculations.

Discover the methodology underlying Lune's emission calculations for shipments.

Learn about carbon credits, projects, and more.
API reference
Dive into our API reference for detailed endpoints, parameters, and usage examples.
Generate an API key and authenticate your account.