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List projects

Query Parameters

Maximum number of resources to return, between 1 and 100.


A cursor for use in pagination.

after is an object ID that defines your place in the list.

For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with foo, your subsequent call can include after=foo in order to fetch the next page of the list.


When recently_disabled is set to true, the response will also include projects which have been disabled in the last 30 days.


Returns: Project object


Whether or not there are more elements available after this set.

If false, this set comprises the end of the array.

Part of a paginated response.

dataarray of objectrequired

An array of Project objects.

Part of a paginated response.

  • GET /projects
  • curl '' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'
  • Response
  • {
      "has_more": true,
      "data": [
          "id": "owda1kVEl60jnPykZeADr57Z8OqbKMXx",
          "name": "Alto Mayo",
          "short_name": "Alto Mayo",
          "slug": "alto-mayo",
          "description": "description",
          "project_type": "Forest conservation",
          "registry_name": "Verra",
          "registry_link": "",
          "latitude": -5.87798,
          "longitude": -77.612352,
          "country_name": "Peru",
          "country_code": "country_code",
          "region": "Huancavelica",
          "logo": "",
          "primary_image": "",
          "thumbnail_image": "",
          "results": [
            "Reduced deforestation of 75% from baseline levels, the first time a project in Peru reaches such high results",
            "Co-benefits include: poverty reduction across local communities, education around sustainable farming, conservation of biodiversity"
          "un_sdg": [
          "disabled": true,
          "media": [
              "type": "image",
              "url": "",
              "attribution_text": "",
              "attribution_url": ""
          "crediting_start_date": "2024-01-01",
          "crediting_end_date": "2024-01-01",
          "registration_date": "2024-01-01",
          "protocol": [
            "Verra VCS",
            "Verra CCB"
          "methodology": "VM0007",
          "durability": "100+",
          "additional_standards_met": [
            "CCB Third Edition"
          "verifying_body": "SCS Global Services",
          "risk_of_reversal": "Use of Verra buffer pool",
          "risk_of_predicted_emissions": "Non-issuance of credits",
          "avg_annual_emission_reductions": "333978",
          "bundles": [
              "id": "BmWxrvXo29eGqzA1qjANL5PwnkgaO8R3",
              "name": "Latin America Forestry",
              "unit_price": "6.09",
              "gross_unit_price": "7.09",
              "currency": "GBP",
              "background_colour": "#AABBCC",
              "primary_image": "",
              "large_image": "",
              "primary_image_hires": "",
              "small_thumbnail": "",
              "description": "A conglomeration of renewable energy projects around the world",
              "disabled": true,
              "available_quantity": "1000.09",
              "offset_type": "emissions_reduction",
              "approach": "traditional",
              "carbon_permanence": "long_term"
          "impact_summary": [
              "icon": "tree",
              "label": "label",
              "title": "title",
              "description": "description",
              "image_url": "image_url"
          "datasets": [
              "dataset": "dataset",
              "description": "description",
              "thumbnail_url": "thumbnail_url"
          "quality_assessment": {
            "durability": {
              "title": "title",
              "description": "description"
            "additionality": {
              "title": "title",
              "description": "description"
            "measurement": {
              "title": "title",
              "description": "description"
            "risk_mitigation": {
              "title": "title",
              "description": "description"
            "cobenefits": {
              "title": "title",
              "description": "description"
          "links_and_news": {
            "links": [
                "destination_url": "destination_url",
                "title": "title",
                "favicon_url": "favicon_url"
            "news": [
                "image_url": "image_url",
                "favicon_url": "favicon_url",
                "article_url": "article_url",
                "title": "title",
                "description": "description",
                "published_at": "published_at"
          "carbon_credits": {
            "offset_delivery": "ex_post",
            "retirement_timeframe": "instant",
            "inventory": [
                "vintage": "vintage",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": {
                  "value": "3.14",
                  "currency": "GBP"
          "timeline": [
              "year": 1,
              "description": "description"
          "carbon_storage_over_time": [
              "year": 1,
              "baseline": 1,
              "carbon_stock": 1,
              "assumed_leakage": 1,
              "buffer": 1,
              "credits_issued": 1