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An Order represents a carbon credit purchase.

Orders are placed against one or multiple project bundles. Credits are allocated to the Order from any of the projects that belong to the bundles. These are then retired.

An Order transitions through multiple statuses throughout its lifetime as Lune fulfills the Order.

As soon as an Order has a credit retired, the Order's certificate can be downloaded.

  • Endpoints
  • The Order object

    The order's unique identifier


    Account-unique identifier provided by the client.

    idempotency_key has two purposes:

    1. Clients can safely retry order requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. The current state of the original order is returned.
    2. Clients can use idempotency_key to reconcile orders with other entities on their system.


    Identifies whether the order has been placed by quantity (kg CO2) or value (monetary amount)

    • quantity
    • value


    Order status

    • received
    • placed
    • paid
    • retiring
    • cancelled
    • complete
    • failed


    Order currency code


    The net offset cost being purchased. May be lower than requested_value.

    This property is set when bundles are assigned to the order. Unit: order currency


    The total cost for the order inclusive of fees.

    Unit: order currency


    Lune's fee.

    This property is set when bundles are assigned to the order. Unit: order currency


    Quantity of CO2 offsets purchased in tonnes.


    How the order will be paid. When card, Lune will attempt to charge the card and pay this order. When invoice, Lune will email an invoice with payment instructions.

    • invoice
    • card


    Order creation timestamp

    bundlesarray of objectrequired

    bundles are set when the order's status is placed, paid, retiring or complete.

    The bundles associated with the order including their relative quantity and cost breakdown.

    projectsarray of objectrequired

    Projects are set when the order's status is retiring or complete.

    The projects associated with the order including their relative quantity and cost breakdown.

    Orders are placed against bundles, not projects. Projects in a bundle may change based on supply.

    This property is set as soon as we can guarantee project supply.


    Carbon credits PDF certificate URL.

    This property is set when an order has state 'complete'

    The property is set (and the certificate is available) regardless of the Sustainability page configuration.

    The URL requires API authentication and cannot be accessed anonymously.


    The Carbon credits certificate public URL.

    Once the Sustainability page of the associated account is enabled and configured to include the certificate section, and the order is set to 'complete', this URL will link to the publicly accessible certificate.


    An arbitrary dictionary (key-value pairs) to store application-specific information.

    Lune doesn't use this information for order processing. Its purpose is for the API clients to be able to attach arbitrary information (to an order for example) and then retrieve it.


    The offset link identifier, if the order was placed through an offset link


    End-user email.

    This property is currently populated on orders placed through offset links.

  • Order
  • {
      "id": "va1BER4JZqnzPkYxJgALg0GeQDoXlWO5",
      "idempotency_key": "5bd808a954e",
      "type": "quantity",
      "status": "complete",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "offset_cost": "7176.00",
      "total_cost": "7696.00",
      "commission": "520.00",
      "quantity": "1040",
      "payment_method": "invoice",
      "created_at": "created_at",
      "bundles": [
          "bundle_id": "va1BEV2VZqnzPkYxJgALg0GeQDoXlWO5",
          "bundle_name": "Latin America Forestry",
          "primary_image": "",
          "quantity": "1040",
          "unit_price": "6.90",
          "gross_unit_price": "7.90",
          "offset_cost": "7176.00",
          "insufficient_available_quantity": true
      "projects": [
          "quantity": "600",
          "unit_price": "6.90",
          "offset_cost": "4140.00",
          "project_id": "gMbvJoOaX54V1wpNaRY8dWDGQ7m239Bx",
          "project_name": "Madre De Dios",
          "project_type": "Forest Conservation",
          "project_slug": "madre-de-dios"
          "quantity": "440",
          "unit_price": "6.90",
          "offset_cost": "3036.00",
          "project_id": "xe1BEV2VZqnzPkYxJgALg0GeQDoXlWO5",
          "project_name": "Alto Mayo",
          "project_type": "Forest Conservation",
          "project_slug": "alto-mayo"
      "certificate": "",
      "public_certificate_url": "",
      "offset_link_id": "UwjfkXjfksoHXzA1qjANL58GhjwqkxpB",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "requested_quantity": "1045",
      "requested_value": null,
      "estimate_id": null