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List all shipping estimates

Returns single and multi-leg shipping estimates paginated in reverse order.

Query Parameters

Maximum number of resources to return, between 1 and 100.


A cursor for use in pagination.

The cursor that points to the starting item of the next page of results. If not provided, the first page of results is returned.


When true, the emission estimate refers to an actual shipment of goods.

This property exists to distinguish booking quotes or forecasts from actual shipments where goods are moved.

By default, all estimates are returned.


When set, the result includes estimates created at or after the timestamp.

Both from and through are either provided or missing.


When set, the result includes estimates created at or before the timestamp.

Both from and through are either provided or missing.


By default estimate mass units are returned in tonnes.

Estimate mass units in responses are converted to estimate_mass_unit when set.


Whether or not there are more elements available after this set.

If false, this set comprises the end of the array.

Part of a paginated response.


The cursor value to be used as the after parameter for fetching the next page of results.

null if has_more is false.

dataarray of oneOfrequired

Paginated single and multi-leg shipping emission estimates

  • GET /estimates/shipping/all
  • curl '' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'
  • Response
  • {
      "has_more": true,
      "next_cursor": "next_cursor",
      "data": [
          "id": "08QD7GPaBx5b6Y6mJlWyONXLvrZljRE2",
          "is_shipment": true,
          "shipped_at": "2023-11-20T10:20:30Z",
          "mass": {
            "amount": "2.969503",
            "unit": "t"
          "quote": {
            "estimated_quantity": "2.969502",
            "estimated_commission": "8.03",
            "estimated_total_cost": "80.18",
            "estimated_offset_cost": "72.15",
            "requested_value": null,
            "requested_quantity": "2.969503",
            "currency": "USD",
            "bundles": [
                "bundle_id": "q9aKx7b6nNXMk3Yv3pD1mlW5Od2eLZE8",
                "bundle_name": "Conserving forests in Asia",
                "quantity": "2.821027",
                "unit_price": "12.42",
                "gross_unit_price": "13.8",
                "offset_cost": "35.04",
                "insufficient_available_quantity": null
                "bundle_id": "xWaKJL3okjD46VpJ4yGXnQNZRe1vzP0w",
                "bundle_name": "Ocean Carbon Removal",
                "quantity": "0.148475",
                "unit_price": "250",
                "gross_unit_price": "277.78",
                "offset_cost": "37.12",
                "insufficient_available_quantity": null
          "distance": {
            "amount": "22466.6346",
            "unit": "km"
          "methodology": [],
          "request": {
            "shipment": {
              "containers": "2"
            "route": {
              "source": {
                "locode": "CNSGH"
              "destination": {
                "locode": "NLRTM"
            "method": {
              "vessel_type": "container_ship"